Hey ya'll! I am sooo excited and honored to have been nominated for the Liebster around by another fellow blogger JoAnn at Sweet Pepper Rose. Thank you sooo much for this award JoAnn!
JoAnn is a sweet person with a wonderful blog about decorating, crafts, recipes and more! Please go check out her site!

Liebster is German for "dearest."
The purpose of the Liebster Award is to help
"newbie" blogs with less that 200 followers get noticed
with a sort of sweet "Shout Out" of attention, and likewise,
a sort of "Pay It Forward" is included,
to help other blogs get due notice and attention.
How it works:
To receive the award, the following is in order:
(1)Make a Post about your win putting the award button in your post.
(2)Link back to (& follow)the blogger who nominated you the award.
(3)Pick five blogs with less than 200 followers that you feel deserving of the Liebster Award, and leave them a comment on their blog to let them know you've nominated them.
(4) Tell the 5 blogs you've chosen to 'Pay It Forward' and 'Share some Blog Love' by following the instructions for 5 more newbie blogs.
(5) Share five random facts about ourselves.
Ok so five random facts....hmmm
1- My hair color is naturally a dirty blonde color. I miss my childhood blonde hair so I got highlights and I haven't got a chance to get back to the salon lately so my roots are showing so bad!
2- My favorite tv show growing up was Saved By the Bell. I had a huuuuge crush on Zack Morris!
3- I love to dance while I clean the house :-)
4- Right now as I am typing this, I'm playing with my 6 month old son and his favorite toy, a blue giraffe. That's pretty random right?
5- I feel naked when my toenails aren't painted.
Ok so now I pick 5 blogs that I love.
(Side note: I also picked some other really great blogs for the versatile award a couple months ago, so please check them out too!)
1- The Blissful Bee - Her home is gorgeous! She has great taste!
2- Making Pinterest My Reality - Her goal is to accomplish a pin a day. So inspiring and fun to see her do it!
3- The Well Crafted Home - She does a lot of really neat crafts with great tutorials!
4- House Pretty Blog - She is making her home beautiful and has just revealed her adorable nursery!
5-Jarrah Jungle - She is doing a big renovation on her home and her blog is a lot of fun to read!
So please go check out these wonderful blogs that I love to read!And thank you JoAnn again for nominating for this award!
Thanks so much Allie you are a sweetie :) Ill be sure to pass this award on to some fellow bloggers. Enjoy your summer hols x